Beacon Health Options Insurance for Addiction Treatment

Beacon Health Options Insurance
Beacon Health Options emerged in 2014 after a merger between Beacon Health Strategies and ValueOptions. The largest privately-held company of its type in the US, Beacon Health Options, currently provides for 50 million customers. Beacon Health Options has over 350 clients, of which 41 are Fortune 500 Companies. The company also has partnerships with over 100 external health plans.
Unlike most insurance providers, Beacon Health Options specializes in behavioral health and substance abuse disorder management. This makes the company uniquely suited to understanding the specialized needs of this type of care. Many other health insurance providers make deals with Beacon Health Options to provide behavioral health and substance abuse treatment.
Beacon Health Options Addiction Resources
Beacon Health Options maintains a team of clinical staff to respond to all member and provider calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The company has built a support network of medical professionals and a structure of recovery-focused programs and effective partnerships. Beacon Health Options also runs the Stamp Out Stigma program, which aims to end the stigma associated with mental illness and substance abuse. All decisions are based on the company’s level of care criteria.
Beacon Health Options Policy Coverage for Substance Abuse
The plans Beacon Health Options vary tremendously in the type and amount of coverage they provide for various medical needs. The majority of the company’s plans do provide some amount of substance abuse treatment, with some plans providing primarily, or exclusively, that type of coverage. Because many Beacon Health Options plans are provided in partnership with other health insurance providers, the other provider’s coverage may also influence the coverage available to the company’s customers.
Do Treatment Centers Need to Be In-Network?
Beacon Health Options generally requires that treatment centers be in network. Services provided by out-of-network facilities will generally have to be paid for out of pocket. This may vary from plan to plan, especially in instances where the plan is provided in partnership with another provider. Beacon Health Options does place a number of protections in the case of emergency services and for when treatment is provided by an out-of-network provider without the knowledge of the patient, for example if an in-patient doctor sent a blood sample to an out-of-network laboratory.
Beacon Health Options Coverage for Inpatient Treatment
Beacon Health Options provides extensive coverage for inpatient treatment. The type of amount of coverage will vary between plans, and also among partnerships that the company maintains with other providers.
Inpatient Rehab Service and Costs
Beacon Health Options plans cover most inpatient rebab services, although the exact coverage is determined by the plan. Generally, Beacon Health Options will only cover facilities that are in-network, unless there is an emergency situation or the patient was not aware that the provider was out-of-network. Even in the case of in-network services, plan holders will still generally have to pay copays (fees for specific services plan holders must pay before their insurance will pay anything) and meet deductibles (a total amount for all services that a plan holder must pay before their insurance will contribute). Examples of services that may be covered by Beacon Health Options plans include:
- Screening and assessment
- Medical exams and treatment
- Detox
- Inpatient rehab stays
- Addiction treatment medications
- Psychiatric evaluation and therapy
Beacon Health Options Coverage for Outpatient Treatment
Beacon Health Options provides coverage for a wide range of outpatient treatment services, although the specific package offered will vary by plan. Generally, Beacon Health Options will only cover in-network providers of outpatient treatment, unless there is an emergency or accidental exception.
Outpatient Rehab Services and Costs
Outpatient rehab services are covered by Beacon Health Options, some partially and some fully. In almost all circumstances, plan holders will have to pay copays and meet deductibles before the company will contribute. Unless an exception applies, Beacon Health Options generally will only pay for providers who are in-network. In general, outpatient services are less expensive than inpatient services, but that may or may not impact what Beacon covers or it’s plan holders pay.
How Can I Pay the Costs Not Covered by My Beacon Plan?
For many families, the potential cost of rehab is the single most influential factor in their decision to not seek treatment. However, there are many options available. There are many government programs at all levels, federal, state, and local, that will help fund treatment, and may pay for it entirely. Examples include Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Health Care Act. There are also financing options available from private lenders, many of which have deals in place with rehab facilities. Other options include selling property and self-pay. It is always important to remember that the long-term costs of addiction far outweigh the costs of rehab.
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