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Opinions Voiced on this website belong to the individual poster

RehabNear.com website offers an opportunity for participants to voice opinions and comments about addiction, recovery, and treatment. These comments and opinions do not reflect the opinions, values, or point of view of the staff at RehabNear.com, its shareholders, or its executives, and are not endorsed by RehabNear.com. We make efforts to assess and moderate the opinions of our participants in order to remove abhorrent material, we do not purport to be able to eliminate all abhorrent content in a well-timed manner when the situation arises.

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Those who leave comments, opinions, or suggestions on RehabNear.com is expected to follow certain content rules, including the prohibition of any content which is prohibited or otherwise illegal. Illegal or prohibited information may include, but is not limited to, content which could be construed as legal or medical advice, which invites other users to take part in any criminal activities, which offers other users opportunities to participate in a financial scheme, chain letter, pyramid schemes, or otherwise invites participants to send money to the poster, or which contains sexually suggestive, racially offensive, threatening or foul language. The responsibility to determine what content, comments, or opinions offends the online community or users visiting RehabNear.com and the social media affiliated with RehabNear.com will be the sole decision of the moderator without prejudice.

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We follow a standard set of ethical procedures for information that is posted on RehabNear.com. All content is cross referenced by experienced board members with recovery, addiction, and treatment knowledge. However, RehabNear.com does not offer users any guarantee or warranty related to our website or social media; we specifically disclaim any warranties, implied, or expressed. It is the responsibility of the user on RehabNear.com to assess the content provided and determine the relevancy and helpfulness to them.


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